
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Settled in... almost?

Well, the family has finally arrived in California. The kids are all thrilled with their new digs except S11, whose room is smaller than what he had in Florida.

The big thrill for the boys was being reunited with their GameCube. These poor kids have been on the road and away from Mom and Dad for three weeks, now, so anything comfortable and familiar is a draw for them. Michelle worked amazingly with the movers to get the house looking like a home so it wasn't in total upheaval when they arrived. I will get some pictures up as soon as I possibly can.

A funny thing about the house is that directly across from us, there were four little girls running in and out of the house all evening. The community is all new construction, so we suspect that not all of them live there, but could this be the proverbial "girl next door" for one of our boys? Who knows? As for last night, they weren't even willing to go near the windows for fear of being seen.

I was hoping to have a picture for this post, but my cell phone won't e-mail it. We've got a bunch in our camera, and hopefully I'll have time to sort through those soon. But at the very least, I wanted to get something out to say that we have survived the move and are looking forward to stabilizing a little bit before the school year starts.

EDIT: Here's that picture I promised... check out the mountains behind our community!!!


Blogger Aynde said...

Hey! That really is "new" construction! wow! Glad to hear things are starting to settle down. Watched the Battlestar Gallactica bit on the SciFi website. Great stuff! Can't wait for that other project that has been postponed....for how long now??

Enjoy making your house a home and I am glad you are all together again!

07 August, 2007 21:20  
Blogger Eric said...

Thanks so much Aynde! :)

I just had to add another comment. The four girls next to us *are* sisters, and match one-for-one with the boys, except the oldest who is two years older than our oldest.

Interior pictures are on the way, I promise!

08 August, 2007 23:30  

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