
Saturday, October 21, 2006

Can't Give It Away!

Recently, a good friend of mine at my job, Donna, won 5 passes for two apiece to see a special preview of "The Nightmare Before Christmas". I have three black tee-shirts dedicated to this film alone (and only one for Hitchhiker's Guide, to give you an idea of the importance of this film!). At first, when she invited me, I didn't think I'd be able to go. Michelle had a work function and I had the boys. Alas, Donna had 4 free spaces, so we could all go (the boys LOVE this film, too).

So, we showed up. There was still one unused admission left, so I called my friend, Jim, from school. I waited for him while Donna, the kids, and the others secured seats in the "dead center" (little Halloween pun for ya there) of the theater. Another guy was standing nearby and walked over. He sighed and said "I can't wait any longer. I have to go in." I thought it odd that he suddenly felt the need to emote to me. "Ooooh Kaaayyy. You can do that," I replied. He gave me four of the two-person passes. Well, there wasn't time for 8 more friends to travel to the theater, so I started peddling the tickets off for free. I was wearing a simple Jack Skellington shirt, so I probably looked to a rare few like an official theater rep.

People literally ran from me! You would have thought I was a Hare Krishna guy at the airport (note to the young ones... rent "Airplane" if you don't know what a Hare Krishna guy at the airport is). We've reached the point where people don't trust anyone giving something away for free!

I was able to give out three of the four, only wasting one pass.

All in all, this was a great experience. To be 100% honest, the 3D didn't add much to the movie. It was very well done, perhaps to the degree where you forgot about it. But what really got me was the ability to see this wonderful film in a large format with incredible sound (I really think they've enhanced the surround effect!). If Burton-esque entertainment is your style, you have to see this. Even if you already have. It will definitely re-awaken your love of the film!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! That's funny that people ran from you! I love this movie myself! I have some of Jack's lines memorized!

22 October, 2006 16:37  

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