Two New Videos
Once again, life gets in the way of blogging (I love you guys, but it's no secret that life comes first). I'm going to start of with a little bit of a bummer. Grades are not all A's right now. Our class is subject to quizzes of 10 questions apiece on Fridays. They are pure rote memorization and history. I don't do well at all at this and it's dragged me down to the bottom of the "B" range for this class. Needless to say, it's a bit of a morale buster. The questions are obscure... Name 3 of the 6 items in a drop down list (I gave the right answer... wrong dropdown! -- 10 points off). "Name the man who urged Steven Speilberg to use computer generated dinosaurs in Jurassic Park". Left that one blank, but you can bet I know who Phil Tippet is now! It's in a textbook that we're assigned, but I just do... not... retain... rote... facts. All through school, I was straight "A"'s except for the "D" in History.
Ok, griping over. Time to show off the latest videos. First is our AT-AT redux. This is the final version I turned in. I learned about a required element (smoke billowing from the vehicle after the main impact explosion) with an hour left to complete it... ouch! But I think it looks pretty good considering.
The other video is a work in progress. This is a video of someone poking a turned-off Visor (Palm Pilot competitor). We were given some slides and asked to make some video (i.e. rotating schematics of the AT-AT). I need to tone down the edges of the finger, but overall, I'm happy with the progress on this one.
Thanks for listening to me whine. If you want some cheese with that whine, take a look at this. I tried one of the effects from our textbooks. I took a Marvin figure and placed it right near the camera positioned very carefully. Then I took a few shots of me in the distance (relatively) interacting with it. The came out pretty funny, although not very convincing. Still, I enjoyed it and have always wanted a robot in my kitchen! Pure cheesy photo goodness!

Take Care!
Ok, griping over. Time to show off the latest videos. First is our AT-AT redux. This is the final version I turned in. I learned about a required element (smoke billowing from the vehicle after the main impact explosion) with an hour left to complete it... ouch! But I think it looks pretty good considering.
The other video is a work in progress. This is a video of someone poking a turned-off Visor (Palm Pilot competitor). We were given some slides and asked to make some video (i.e. rotating schematics of the AT-AT). I need to tone down the edges of the finger, but overall, I'm happy with the progress on this one.
Thanks for listening to me whine. If you want some cheese with that whine, take a look at this. I tried one of the effects from our textbooks. I took a Marvin figure and placed it right near the camera positioned very carefully. Then I took a few shots of me in the distance (relatively) interacting with it. The came out pretty funny, although not very convincing. Still, I enjoyed it and have always wanted a robot in my kitchen! Pure cheesy photo goodness!

Take Care!
Love your composite with Marvin. Keep up the good work dude!
- Little John
Life comes before blogging?! :) Nuh-uh! No really, I wish you all the best Eric. Sounds like school is throwing you a curve ball, but you'll do just fine. (Who said you need to make the Dean's list anyway?)
Well I know who Phil Tippet is now too!! LOL
I love marvin!
Instructors are supposed to present things in a variety so students with varying learning styles can be successful. I suggest you let your instructor know the only way you can remember this stuff is by hands on i.e. if he wants you to remember Phil Tippet you need to 'feel and manipulate' Mr. Tippet . . .
I'm thinking you could accumulate quite a photo album of you and various 'celebrities' discussing life at the water-cooler. Your boys could have it easy getting dates in a few years! lol
That composite photo is funny. I need a robot in my kitchen too...
Well, I guess you could look at school as truly challenging every part of your brain! What a great opportunity for you to demonstrate to your boys how do tackle even the less enjoyable tasks that inevitably have to be dealt with in school (honestly, I giggled that you are upset about low B's).
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